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What you wear says a lot about you. Here at Fashnstmt we take that literally.


​Our range of products is fun, funny and quirky -- modern and evocative with a definite point of view.


Our signature "Heart on Your Sleeve" T-Shirts are a great way to tell the world where you're coming from and how you are feeling on any given day: confident, profound, silly, or somewhere in-between. Choose sayings that speak to you and you'll start a conversation with the world around you!


Our "Mug Shots" range tells the story behind the arrests of many notable people -- everyone from Frank Sinatra (arrested for seduction, what else?), to Martin Luther King Jr., to Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani. Have your coffee, scan the QR code on each mug, and read all about it. The facts speak for themselves, and famous people's actions and reactions say a lot about them. You can decide for yourself whether the charges, and the outcome, was fair or not.


Fashnstmt is a new brand, with many more exciting and desirable products in the pipeline. We're a small team of people who are passionate about expressing ourselves though our choices of what we buy, what we wear, and how we accessorize our lives. 


Join our community. Sign up to our social media and keep up to date. Join our mailing list to get special promotions and offers. Come back to this site often, see what's new and tell us what you think.


You make a fashion statement every day, whether you intend to or not. Choose Fashnstmt and you can't go wrong. 


Thanks for reading, 

The friendly folks at Fashnstmt


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